Friday, February 29, 2008

Our NZ House

Only one post, and I'm already getting demands from my loyal readership for house pictures. Well, ask and you shall receive, eager readers ....

As I may have told you, I was a bit concerned about the rental housing market in Dunedin. Looking at properties online, I found the market to be a little -- shall we say? -- rustic. I think it has something to do with the fact it's a college town with lots of student renters, but imagine the Brady Brady house, then imagine the Brady Bunch house after a bunch of frat boys and a colony of ferrets had lived there for 20 years. This is what I was seeing.

I asked Chris to find something that had 1) a good location 2) a dishwasher 3) a fenced back yard and 4) no paisley carpeting. A tall order, but of course my brilliant husband knows what he is doing. There is no furniture yet in these pictures, (Chris was expecting the truck with our stuff to arrive today, but last time I was IMing him he said the truck with our stuff BROKE DOWN on the way to the house) but soon it will be warm and cozy and furnished.

From the street


Looking into living room from dining room

Kitchen looking into laundry room


Bathroom (with safety rail, for when I've been drinking). Why are there TWO scales in this bathroom? Is Chris trying to tell me something?

Our street, looking towards town

And yes, it is a three bedroom house so we've got room for you and and all of your layabout friends when you finally come to visit, like you promised.

Monday, February 25, 2008

This is my blog.

My friend Emily told me I should start a blog to document our new life in New Zealand. It would be funny, she said. I pointed out that the World Wide Web is quite dangerous and some crazy axe murderer could find my blog, become infatuated with me (hey, it could happen), hunt me down, and hack me into a million little bits. Emily did not seem concerned. She is from New Jersey and rather intimidating for a real estate attorney, so here I am. Blogging. (Incidentally, I also just got a MySpace account, so I am officially one of those freaks who documents their whole lives online.)

Chris is already in New Zealand and taught his first class today. We have been able to talk on the phone or IM every day, and each time I talk to him he seems to be hanging out with people from his work. So maybe we will have friends, after all, and I won't just spend all of my free time in a dark room, eating chips and blogging.

Let's hope.